5th Annual South Mountain Distilling Co
Dessert Competition
$500 in Prizes : $250 1st place, $150 2nd place & $100 3rd place
Join Us Sunday, February 25th, 2024 from 1pm - 6pm for our 5th Annual Dessert Competition. Each dessert must have one of South Mountain Distilling spirits as an ingredient. To enter the contest please fill out the form and send in.
Judging will be from 4pm - 5pm

The Rules
Featured in the images above are a few of the entries from our last
dessert competition. Wow, they were good!
Each dessert must be homemade (No Store Bought Desserts)
Each dessert must have a recipe card with it when turned in.
Each dessert must have one of South Mountain Distilling spirits as an ingredient and the brand name must be listed on the recipe card.
Each dessert must be in whole form with at least six servings for judging. The more the merrier. We like to share.
Entry Form must be received by February 25th, 2024 prior to contest. Mail or Drop Off at 1027 Malcolm Blvd Connelly Springs, NC 28612
Dessert Turn in will be from 1pm - 4pm unless a frozen dessert. If you are turning in a frozen dessert, please make arrangements to keep it frozen until judging.
Dessert Judging will be from 4pm - 5pm.